After the occurrence of the cash app glitch on 27 June 2023 to Hackers attacks, many dark web hackers have been finding different ways to hack into cash App servers and make much profit off the glitch.
Fast forward to now…
My team and I were able to create a malware (glitch malware) which can be used to hack into the funding algorithm of any cash App or PayPal account using just the cash App Users tags and PayPal email, when this malware is activated in your cash App it causes 10x replicating of funds (the glitch) therefore meaning 250$ glitches to 2500$ and it is reflected instantly on your cash App, like wise 550$=5500$. This process only takes up about 10-30mins.

After successfully using the glitch for cashapp, and with the amazing results we had we decided to try it out on 𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐥, though we had to change a couple of stuffs , after a few trail and errors, we were able to have it work on PayPal too.

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